About Us
Our mission is to get you outdoors! Our educational videos and series are designed to help you!

Carlin Riley
I began hunting, fishing and camping with my father. Throughout my life, the times spent with my Dad either in a canoe or walking through a field have made a deep impact and helped shape who I am today. I have hunted white tailed deer forever but always with a firearm. I had thought about bow hunting deer but had no idea where to begin or even how to go about it. Exactly the same thing happened with turkey hunting. We had a season and I took a course and got a license – now what? TV episodes showed turkey kills but really didn't provide any insight as to how they got to that point! What about the average person that works all week and has a short window to get outdoors and take part in these activities? Is it realistic to expect what is shown on TV or is this setting them up for frustration and failure? Where do you start?
My goal is to provide that road map and to help others get up and running – from a real perspective – with conditions similar to what the average hunter will be up against. This concept is so important for our youth, to mentor and instil the values, ethics and conservation habits in my kids and those who do not have an outdoors mentor. It is a privilege to capture and share my outdoor experiences with my viewers and to help guide them so that they to can get their kids outdoors. The Real Outdoor Experience encompasses this concept and acts as a one-stop gateway for each of the activities captured on video. It is our hope and mission, that everyone will embrace the outdoors, act responsibly, ethically and morally and at the same time become educated so they become successful.
Thanks for watching, get your kids outdoors and always...
Keep it Real!

Ian Mc Cleary
Central Ontario is an outdoorsman’s paradise – I had deer, moose and bear all within an hours’ drive of my home growing up – but what really got my hunting instincts going was ruffed grouse. Partridge my grandfather called them. As a very young boy I would walk behind him in woods, dreading the thunder of the flush that told us we’d blown it! Hunting with a .22 or .410 we had to catch them on the ground. To this day, after hunting all kinds of big game, one of my favourite hunts is still-hunting through brambles and tag alders with frost on the ground, fall leaves in full colour – and the smell of a spent .410 shell and the feel of a warm grouse in my hand.
My introduction to deer hunting was similar to Carlin’s though using rifles up north as opposed to shotguns. I began bow hunting because of the longer season and the ability to hunt on Sundays. I learned by mistake and it took a few years to become truly proficient, but I became a better hunter. What’s interesting now is that even when using a rifle I use bow-hunting tactics and my success rate is far greater than the rest in my camp. These are the lessons that we want to share. Turkeys were my nemesis. 3 seasons it took before I finally carried a Jake out of the woods and when I look back, the mistakes I made were so obvious but I had no one to show me differently. Now I know better and all of my nephews connected on mature Toms on their first hunts. So what’s changed? These are the lessons we want to share.
Let us help you with your outdoor activities, and don't forget... Keep it Real!