Anyone that spends time in the outdoors knows how important gear can be! Not all of the most expensive gear is the best gear either! We partner with some great companies that sell great quality gear at a reasonable cost. In most of our series, we include gear lists that are broken into nice to have and need to have sections. If you have a question and can't find a gear list, you can always email us your questions. Be safe out there!
Archery Deer Hunting for Beginners
In our Archery Deer Hunting for Beginners series, we discuss gear, tactics and tips. This list will get you started and provides a great starting point!
Click here for theArchery Deer Hunting for Beginners Series on YouTube.
Turkey Hunting Tactics & Tips
Turkey hunting can be frustrating at times, especially as a new hunter! We have compiled some of our hunting tips and tactics to help you become a successful turkey hunter. Don't be ashamed, both of us had mentors to help us become successful hunters!
Click here to view our turkey hunting videos on YouTube.
Turkey Hunting Gear List
There is so much gear out there for turkey hunting. Where do you start? Of course we love gear too but do you really need it all? This gear list will help you decide as we include some of our nice to have and need to have picks for the gear we use. We hope you will find this handy!
To view our Turkey Hunting Series, click here!

Pheasant Hunting for Beginners
Hunting Pheasant is a great activity for all hunters, especially beginners! We have put together our picks for gear and provided a few tips to help along your way. Enjoy!
Click here for our four part series on Pheasant Hunting for Beginners!
If you didn't grow up looking at snowshoes hung in the shed or on the wall, now is your chance to make memories! What a great activity for the kids and the whole family and you can do it for relatively low cost. All you need is listed in our gear list. Get your kids outdoors and always... Keep it Real!
For our Snowshoeing for Beginners Video, click here!
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